Prayer and Reflection for Nations: Vietnam, USA, Israel, and Ukraine - the Cradle of the Gospel of GOD's Kingdom
A prayer for the nations we live in—Vietnam, the United States, Israel, and Ukraine, which stands as the cradle of the Gospel of GOD's Kingdom. Throughout history, religious traditions (Protestantism, Catholicism, Buddhism, Islam, Orthodox Christianity, and others) have continually prayed for peace and prosperity for their nations. However, true peace cannot come without righteousness. As the LORD has declared, only righteousness brings about peace (Isaiah 32:17). Hence, the wicked cannot enjoy peace; their spirits remain restless because of their unrighteous deeds.
GOD observes the nations with sorrow. Despite their offerings, worship, and cries to HIM, they do not receive peace. Their acts are mechanical, like parrots repeating words, but they fail to recognize GOD’s will and acknowledge HIS Truth. The LORD has made it clear: a nation cannot escape suffering if its rulers are immature. If a father is like a child, he cannot lead his family. If presidents and prime ministers are childish, they cannot govern a nation. If a pastor is immature, he cannot shepherd GOD’s people. Immaturity leads to vulnerability, making them susceptible to the deception of the devil and the world, leading to destruction.
But why have nations and their people fallen into such states? The root cause lies in the fact that many churches fail to proclaim the Gospel of GOD's Kingdom. Many lack the SPIRIT of the LORD. Everything we do must come through the HOLY SPIRIT (Zechariah 4:6). The Seven SPIRITS of GOD (Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Power, Knowledge, and the Fear of the LORD) are HIS seven eyes that survey the earth, searching for those who are upright and righteous. Yet, HE finds no one, for all have sinned (Psalm 14:2-3).
However, GOD already had a plan for this. In HIS divine creation, GOD hid the second part of humanity in JESUS CHRIST. This second part of humanity, born in CHRIST, is without sin. This is what we call the second Adam.
For this reason, JESUS CHRIST was born into the world to reveal the new man in CHRIST to those who believe and follow HIM (1 Corinthians 15:45; Romans 5:12-19).
JESUS CHRIST came to this world proclaiming only one Gospel, the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD. Regardless of the Bible translation used, the message of the Gospel of the Kingdom can always be found. Unfortunately, many preach the Gospel of the Kingdom without understanding what the Gospel is or what the Kingdom truly represents. Thus, they fail to comprehend the Gospel of the Kingdom. This stems from immaturity among those who carry titles like Pastor, Apostle, or Prophet.
Of course, everyone starts as a child when they are born. But a child must grow in the father-child relationship, growing in the love of their father and mother. The child must recognize who their father is, not mistake him for a neighbor. The child must trust their parents completely, knowing they will never abandon them. A child doesn’t question where their parents find the resources to feed, nurture, and protect them. This instinct is fundamental to human nature, as humans are creatures entirely dependent on their parents at birth. Without care, the child would die. This contrasts with animals like marine creatures or insects, which can survive independently after birth.
Regrettably, many churches fail to teach about the process, timing, and stages of growth. Consequently, churches become like schools without structure, with no one knowing their role or stage in spiritual maturity. For example, a child only eats, sleeps, and absorbs wisdom from their parents but lacks the ability to discern right from wrong or take on the responsibilities of an adult. At this stage, the child must focus on developing a father-child relationship to understand their position and authority. Unfortunately, many skip this stage and rush into discipleship, failing to recognize their responsibilities and spiritual power. They focus on irrelevant issues like curses, praying or casting out demons, but miss the fundamental truth that curses end when the hearts of fathers return to their children and vice versa. They misdirect their efforts, teaching and practicing aimlessly, failing to fulfill GOD's purpose.
Such misguidance leads to churches producing immature believers who do not grow, ultimately being destroyed for lack of knowledge.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being a priest for ME; because you have forgotten the Law of your GOD, I also will forget your children." — Hosea 4:6.
The fate of a nation is tied to the maturity of the Church within it. If the Church remains childish, it can only produce immature individuals who are unfit to lead in political spheres. As a result, many Christians in politics fail to represent the values and principles of GOD's Kingdom and often become anti-Christ because of deceptive spirits operating within them, unbeknownst to them. This is evident in nations like the United States, where one beast covers Donald Trump, and another beast influences Elon Musk.
In Vietnam, despite the Gospel entering the country over 100 years ago, churches have only preached the Gospel of salvation without teaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD. While the Gospel of salvation is necessary, as it is the starting point, believers must transform and mature to govern territories and dismantle the strongholds of the devil in various domains, especially politics.
GOD eagerly seeks to raise up those who love HIM, understand the Gospel of the Kingdom, and are mature enough to bear the responsibility upon their shoulders—not like children who wake up only to seek what to eat or drink. Such nations face devastation because of immature individuals who fail to understand and carry out the eternal purpose of life, leading to increased sin.
Blessed are the kings and rulers who are of noble lineage, who have matured. Their thoughts and perspectives are noble, aligned with Truth, and they destroy deceit. GOD is looking to raise such individuals.
Thanks be to GOD that our Church recognizes the Gospel of the Kingdom. We know who JESUS CHRIST is, and we possess the divine process to produce true laborers for the LORD.
Let us pray for GOD to raise such people—true prophets who preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, dismantle the dark clouds of false priests, pastors, and teachers, and remove those preaching false gospels that are not the Gospel of CHRIST (which is the Gospel of the Kingdom). Let us pray for the wrong culture and ideology of the devil not to infiltrate and grow within nations, so those who still love GOD may repent and have their souls saved. Even if their bodies are handed over to Satan for discipline, their foolishness can be cast out.
May GOD’s will be done!