Time: 9:00 AM (10:00 PM VN) in Houston, Texas, USA.
Prayer schedule Pray daily twice at 7 AM and 7 PM in zoom
Pray for the Churches and leaders
Pray for Israel, Ukraine, Vietnam, the USA, and the country you are living in
Tuesday to Friday
Pray for spiritual warfare and internal matters
Pray for marriages, families, careers, and needs
The predetermined mission of The Mercy of GOD Church is given by LORD JESUS CHIRST to The Church
1. Is the final and new stream of the LORD preparing the way for HIS Second Coming—through the art of walking with the LORD in personal communion with HIM in various forms and levels of relationships such as FATHER and child, TEACHER and student, MASTER and servant, siblings, friends, and spouses;
2. Is the DNA of the LORD meant to spread, heal, and restore all parts of the Body of the LORD, create parts that are not yet present, so that the Bride of the LORD is fully equipped with all components and mature enough to be worthy of being the Wife of GOD;
3. Is the favored Queen of the LORD, sharing in HIS rule, bearing for HIM the finest fruits, and a lineage that continues HIS reign forever.
4. Prepares the wedding feast and adorns the Bride of the LORD for the wedding day;
5. Manages and distributes the mysteries of the Kingdom of GOD, preaching the Gospel of HIS Kingdom throughout the universe. Rules with the LORD in the Kingdom for 1000 years and forever;
6. Through the LORD’s technology of creating people, trains 603,550 leaders in all areas of human life, bringing at least 603,550,000 souls into the Kingdom of GOD;
7. Is the LORD’s response to all nations, particularly the Vietnamese and Asian roots—judging Babylon, demonstrating the House of Mercy Bethesda;